The holidays are a busy time for me. Thanksgiving and Christmas are busy with family and friends and cooking and cooking and cooking. It is all good, though, as it comes at a time when things at Habitat Home have slowed down.
But now with seed catalogs coming in the mail and the next month gardening magazines arriving, I am anxious to resume documenting things about Habitat Home. So from now until spring, when things start growing again, I will be writing just a weekly post about things at Habitat Home. Like Christmas tree disposal. Each year we buy a fresh tree. We used to go cut one down at a local tree farm but as we have gotten older we now just go into town and buy one. The trees are usually on sale by the time we buy one so close to Christmas.
The tree was up in the house only a bit more than a week but was already getting rather dry and brittle. Today it was removed from the house and we had the ceremonial Christmas tree fling over the deck to the ground below. The tree will roll about the back yard for the rest of the winter. It serves as a great resting spot and protection from the weather for various birds and rabbits and squirrels and probably other critters I would rather not think about. When spring arrives and the need for such diminishes, the tree will be hauled to the burn pile, its final resting place.